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Auke Florian (Naturalis)

Auke Florian

Fotigui Camara (Wethouder voor Jongeren à College van B&W Den Helder)

Fotigui Camara

Wethouder voor Jongeren à College van B&W Den Helder
Patricia Conceição (expert in ocean literacy and blue schools)

Patricia Conceição

expert in ocean literacy and blue schools

Patricia has coordinated the nationwide blue school program in Portugal. She creates synergies between the sea sector, science, education and municipalities with the goal of improving Ocean Literacy in Portuguese Schools through an articulated strategy.

Evy Copejans (managing director de EMSEA)

Evy Copejans

managing director de EMSEA

Network of European Blue Schools

Wietske Darphorn (Directeur à Stichting Meerwerf Basisschool Dr. Jac. P. Thijsse)

Wietske Darphorn

Directeur à Stichting Meerwerf Basisschool Dr. Jac. P. Thijsse
Andy Kontoudakis (Policy Officer à EC-DG MARE)

Andy Kontoudakis

Policy Officer à EC-DG MARE

Currently a policy officer in the European Commission, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, in the unit for Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment (MARE A1). She is in charge of multiple files in the blue economy, dealing among others with ocean and decarbonisation, knowledge and skills, innovation and financing and ocean literacy.

Pieter Kos (wethouder van Onderwijs à B&W Den Helder)

Pieter Kos

wethouder van Onderwijs à B&W Den Helder
Furu Mienis (senior scientist à NIOZ)

Furu Mienis

senior scientist à NIOZ

Marine geologist Furu Mienis from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research studies the deep sea.

Ana Noronha (Executive Director de Ciência Viva)

Ana Noronha

Executive Director de Ciência Viva

Ana and her institute Ciência Viva have been a driving force in implementing Ocean Literacy and blue schools in Europe. She has coordinated many large initiatives about marine education and public awareness.

Farah Obaidullah (Ocean Advocate & Consultant, Founder de Women4Oceans)

Farah Obaidullah

Ocean Advocate & Consultant, Founder de Women4Oceans

The Ocean and Us , an overview of our contemporary understanding of the ocean and the issues it currently faces, as well as suggestions for things we can all do to help improve ocean health.

Gisela Oliveira (Ciencia Viva - Agencia Nacional para a Cultura Cientifica e Tecnológica)

Gisela Oliveira

Ciencia Viva - Agencia Nacional para a Cultura Cientifica e Tecnológica
Mieke Sterken (Educatie & Outreach Coördinator à International Polar Foundation)

Mieke Sterken

Educatie & Outreach Coördinator à International Polar Foundation
Hans Van Beekum (directeur à Scholen aan Zee)

Hans Van Beekum

directeur à Scholen aan Zee
Nathalie Van Isacker (Project Officer à EMODnet Secretariat)

Nathalie Van Isacker

Project Officer à EMODnet Secretariat

As a Project Officer for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Secretariat, Nathalie Van Isacker supports communication and outreach activities related to the European Atlas of the Seas, the official digital mapping tool of the European Commission's Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries dedicated to ocean literacy. Her work related to ocean literacy further includes the facilitation of the EU4Ocean Platform within the EU4Ocean Coalition. Nathalie holds a Master’s degree in bio-engineering and certificates for courses in water management and communication.