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What does sea literacy mean in the Mediterranean? What are the most pressing environmental issues in the region? How can the water-sport community or any other ocean-enthusiasts be part of the solution?👀

Come and join us in this exciting & engaging webinar and get answers for all these questions & many more!✅

This webinar is organized in the framework of the Fins into the Water project that will bring together marine scientists, professional water sport people and NGO founders from all over to talk about the precious but very fragile Mediterranean.

The project has developed tons of useful, freely and openly accessible materials in different languages to enhance our connection with the sea, that will be showcased as well.

What will you learn?

🌍Most urging environmental issues and two success stories how to make change,

🔍How to use the developed materials & how to implement it in your work,

🌊While you will also have the chance to learn about the fundamental seven principles of Mediterranean Sea Literacy and deepend your connection with the "big blue"!


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