Este é um evento passado. As incrições etsão fechadas. Ver outros eventos da European Marine Science Educators Association.

Join us for a new session with the members of the Network of European Blue Schools.

The Teachers' Lounge is an open virtual space where EUBlueSchool teachers can socialise, consult with other members of the Network, plan lessons and discuss educational issues.

We will set up different parallel rooms for you to meet other teachers.

Patrocinadores e Parceiros


EU4Ocean Coalition


Conecte-se com 35 pessoas presentes neste evento



  • EMSEA Member


    Preço de membro

    This ticket is only available for current members of EMSEA

    Ingresso de reserva
  • Non-Member


    Preço Público

    This event carries a charge for non-EMSEA Members

    Comprar ingresso
  • member of EU Blue School Network


    Preço Público

    Ingresso de reserva