Registration will close on September 20, 2024

EMSEA 2024 will take place in Zadar, Croatia. Zadar is a 3000-year-old city situated in the middle of the eastern Adriatic coastline, and according to Alfred Hitchcock, it's a city with the most beautiful sunset in the world. The conference host will be the University of Zadar (UNIZD), a member of the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (EU-CONEXUS) alliance. The conference will be co-organized by UNIZD and the NGO Marine Explorers Society - 20.000 leagues, both working together as the pioneers of ocean literacy in Croatia.

Join us in Zadar this September, enjoy the essence of the Mediterranean lifestyle and tradition, Zadar's sunset and sea organs, and (re)discover your connection with the ocean in this unique part of the one big ocean – the Adriatic Sea.

The program will consist of presentations and workshops on the following topics:

  • Ocean literacy and the blue economy
  • Inclusive ocean literacy
  • Ocean literacy and education
  • Ocean literacy and natural sciences
  • Ocean literacy beyond natural sciences
  • Ocean literacy and academia
  • Ocean literacy research
  • Ocean literacy and water sports
  • Open session


Presenter Information

If you are a presenting author, please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a seamless presentation experience.

Oral Presentations:

  • Duration: Each presentation is allocated 10 minutes, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session.
  • Presentation Setup: Presentations must be operated from the conference-provided computer; personal laptops or devices cannot be connected.
  • Accepted Formats: Please prepare your slides in PowerPoint (ppt) or PDF format.
  • Submission Deadline: Presentations must be uploaded to the conference computer by the morning of your scheduled presentation day.

Poster Presentations:

  • Size: A1 format (594 x 841 mm or 59.4 x 84.1 cm).
  • Orientation: Portrait.


Indoor Workshops:

  • Location: classroom
  • Equipment: tables, chairs, presentation equipment

Outdoor Workshops:

  • Location: coastline in front of the venue


DAY 1 | 23.09.2024


08:30-09:30 Registration

09:30-09:45 Opening and Welcome Speech

  • Rector/Prorector of the University of Zadar
  • Nicola Bridge, Chair/President of the European Marine Science Educators Association
  • Melita Mokos, Chair of the Organizing Committee, University of Zadar

Keynote talk

09:45-10:10 Nicola Bridge, Craig Strang: 20 years of Ocean Literacy: From Decades of Ocean Literacy to an Ocean Decade


Keynote talk

10:10-10:35 Lucy Hunt: The Ocean Race


10:35-11:10 Coffee break and registration


Ocean Literacy and Water Sports

      11:10-11:20 Maria Stella Scordo: The life a-mar natura2000 sailing campaign as instrument of ocean literacy

      11:25-11:35 Frederico Almada: Kids Dive: Using scuba diving to foster a deeper understanding of the Ocean among school students


Ocean Literacy and Natural Sciences

      11:40-11:50 Dina Eparkhina: Scientists for Ocean Literacy: Empowering Scientists as Ocean Advocates

      11:55-12:05 Francesca Alvisi: From geodiversity to biodiversity: how and why to practice this fundamental relationship

      12:10-12:20 Juanita Zorrilla Pujana: Ocean citizen: storytelling for engaging communication


12:25-13:40 Lunch break (included in the registration fee)


Ocean Literacy and Blue Economy

      13:40-13:50 Evelyn Paredes-Coral: Ocean literacy for a more sustainable blue economy: why knowing about the ocean isn't enough?

      13:55-14:05 Basia Dmochowska: Education and raising awareness on sustainable and innovative aquaculture for blue growth

      14:10-14:20 Juanita Zorrilla Pujana: Beyond the plate: seafood literacy's role in the blue economy

      14:25-14:35 Ioannis Katsounis: Ocean literacy as a catalyst for sustainable blue economy development in Greece

      14:40-14:50 Mariana Almeida: How are blue economy concepts being integrated into ocean literacy initiatives?

      14:55-15:05 Dimitris Gavalas: Navigating Yacht Cruisers' Sociology: A Comprehensive Study on Destination Development and User-Driven Logistics for Enhanced Cruising Facilities and Experiences


Workshops (parallel workshops between 15:15-16:15)

  1. Yolanda Koulouri: BlueMinds4Teachers: design and implementation of a digital toolkit for empowering educators in ocean literacy (ROOM tba)
  2. Geraldine Fauville: Aligning National Curricula and Ocean Literacy: An opportunity for EMSEA-wide collaboration (ROOM tba)
  3. Cushla Dromgool-Regan: Explorers' fin-tastic sharks, mermaids and magical creativity on the shore (OUTDOORS)


Workshops (parallel workshops between 16:15-17:15)

  1. Craig Strang: Examining Equitable and Inclusive Work Environments in Environmental Education: Perspectives from the Field and Implications for the Field (ROOM tba)
  2. Emma Lamport: Project Starfish (OUTDOORS)


19:00 Sunset wine reception at UNESCO International Center for Underwater Archaeology


 DAY 2 | 24.09.2024

 08:30-09:00 Registration

Keynote talk

    09:00-09:20 Emma McKinley:  Ocean literacy: The ocean research we need for the ocean we want


Ocean Literacy Beyond Natural Sciences

      09:20-09:30 Vera Noon: Intersecting Ocean Literacy and Maritime Archaeology: Maritime

      Cultural Heritage for behavioural change!

      09:35-09:45 Mladen Pešić: System of Protection and Management of Underwater Cultural

      Heritage on Velika Shallows, Letavica, and Baron Gautsch sites

      09:50-10:00 Maria Vittoria Marra: 'Galway Bay is calling': a participatory music project

      aimed at promoting ocean literacy from the west coast of Ireland

      10:05-10:15 Emma McKinley: Bringing the ocean to the stage: Performing Coastal

      Values and Marine Management


10:20-11:30 Poster session and Coffee break


Ocean Literacy Research

      11:30-11:40 Jen McRuer: Understanding human-ocean connections and values through

      the global ocean & society survey

      11:45-11:55 Giulia Realdon: Investigating Ocean connections among a sample of children

      and adults attending ocean literacy workshops and lectures

      12:00-12:10 Géraldine Fauville: Underwater Virtual Reality for Awe, Ocean Connectedness,

      and Pro-Environmental Behavior

      12:15-12:25 Ffion Mitchell-Langford: Hiraeth yn y mor - equitably growing community-scale ocean literacy for marine management, health & well-being in North East Wales (UK)

      12:30-12:40 Jelena Basta: Engaging tourists in ocean literacy through two different forms

      of ecotourism programmes


12:45-14:40 Lunch break (not included in the registration fee)


Inclusive Ocean Literacy

      14:45-14:55 Rada Pandeva: Thalassophile project: making marine science and ocean literacy universally accessible

      15:00-15:10 Freyja Thomson-Alberts: Ocean for all - breaking barriers to access and bringing the ocean inland


Ocean Literacy and Academia + Open Session

      15:15-15:25 Tammy D. Lee: Promoting Relationship with the Ocean Through an Immersive Whale Experience

      15:30-15:40 Ninja Mueller: The global marine curriculum - decolonising and

      deanthropocentralising marine education


Workshops (parallel workshops between 15:45-17:15)

  1. Yolanda Koulouri: Fins into the water workshop: Water sports to enhance Mediterranean Sea Literacy (ROOM tba)
  2. Caroline Schio: Engaging Educators in Coastal Monitoring: A Hands-on Workshop with the Coastal Junior Monitoring Project (OUTDOORS)
  3. Eliane Bastos: Body mapping the human-ocean relationship (ROOM tba)


19:00 Conference Dinner 



DAY 3 | 25.09.2024

 08:30-09:00 Registration

Ocean Literacy and Education

      09:00-09:10 Mark Ward: Somerset school coastal champions award: an initiative to engage

      young people with their local marine and coastal environments

      09:15-09:25 Rita Borges: Let's scale up the blue generation!

      09:30-09:40 Thomas Mtontsi: Towards the support of others with knowledge and science

      skills using a marine science context

      09:45-09:55 Caitlin Ransom: Empowering educators: Promoting Ocean literacy through Blue


      10:00-10:10 Rebecca Katsaris: Increasing marine environmental awareness through the

      creative arts

      10:15-10:25 Jadranka Šepić: Oceanographers on the island - bringing ocean education to

      Croatian islands and beyond


10:30-11:00 Coffee break


11:00-12:30 Panel discussion on Blue Education in Europe and beyond


12:30-13:30 Lunch break (included in the registration fee) 


13:30-14:00 Conclusions and Wrap up, EMSEA 2025, Thank you and goodbye! 


14:00-16:30 Panel discussion: Initialization of Blue Education in Croatia – opportunities and barriers 


18:30 Blue Caffe + evening photo exhibition


DAY 4 | 26.09.2024


Fieldtrip – MPA Telašćica

Silent auction

Join us for a special silent auction fundraiser during the wine reception on Monday, 23 September, to support travel bursaries for future EMSEA conferences. These funds will help presenters who are unable to finance their trips, including individuals from vulnerable communities, developing countries, and young professionals.

A silent auction works by displaying various items or experiences for attendees to bid on via written bid sheets. You can either write your name or remain anonymous by using a bidder number. The highest bid at the close of the auction wins the item!

Organized by EMSEA members for EMSEA members, we encourage all attendees to bring an item to contribute. Examples include books, handmade crafts like toys, keychains, jewelry, artwork, or items representing your home region or country. The auction's success depends on your generosity and the unique, exciting items up for bid.

Every contribution helps! Ideally, we'd love to see donations that reflect your local culture or marine-themed treasures. So, take a moment to go through your collection and bring something along for a great cause. Plus, this will free up some space in your suitcase to take home something new!

Please tell us in the registration form if you will bring an item for the silent auction.

Organizers and Partners



Call for abstracts


EMSEA 2024 calls for abstract submissions for oral (10 minutes), poster presentations, and workshops on the following themes:

Abstract Themes


Ocean literacy is essential for the success of the sustainable blue economy, as it equips individuals and stakeholders with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about sustainable resource utilization, conservation, and

economic development. In this session, we look for abstracts showcasing different practices and initiatives that align the economic potential of the ocean with a profound understanding of their ecosystems, fostering sustainable blue

economy and responsible resource management. Some examples are integration of ocean literacy principles into blue economy strategies, case studies on sustainable practices within blue economy sectors, the role of education in promoting blue economy awareness and engagement, innovative technologies and methodologies contributing to both ocean literacy and the blue economy, partnerships and collaborations for fostering responsible

development within the blue economy, etc.


Inclusive ocean literacy seeks to ensure that education and engagement with the ocean are accessible to everyone, regardless of their background, culture, or abilities, by addressing and removing barriers to participation and learning. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives and knowledge systems in understanding and stewarding the marine environment, fostering a more equitable and comprehensive approach to ocean conservation and management. We want to hear about your data and experience in different initiatives, and educational practices that promote a more inclusive understanding of the oceans, recognizing and embracing diverse perspectives, voices, and experiences such as inclusive educational approaches that consider diverse learning styles and abilities, case studies on successful inclusive ocean literacy programs, the role of technology and multimedia in making ocean literacy more accessible to diverse audiences.


Session on ocean literacy and education brings together educators, researchers, and practitioners to share insights, innovations, and best practices that enhance understanding and appreciation of the oceans through educational initiatives. In this session we welcome abstracts about innovative approaches to integrating ocean literacy into formal and informal education, projects integrating and promoting ocean literacy among different educational stakeholders, educational technology and digital resources advancing ocean literacy, interdisciplinary collaborations between educators, scientists, and policymakers, evaluation and assessment of ocean literacy programs in educational settings, etc.


Natural sciences provide the essential knowledge base for ocean literacy, enabling individuals to comprehend the intricate relationships within marine ecosystems, the impact of human activities, and the broader scientific context of ocean dynamics. This session seeks to showcase innovative approaches to teaching ocean literacy within natural science disciplines, research in marine biology, oceanography, and related fields contributing to ocean literacy, the role of technology in advancing understanding and awareness of ocean science, effective communication strategies for translating scientific knowledge to diverse audiences.


Ocean literacy extends beyond natural marine sciences by integrating knowledge from diverse fields such as geography, history, economics, and law, thus emphasizing the broader impact of oceans on human societies and the planet as a whole. In this session we welcome abstracts about cultural and artistic expressions contributing to ocean literacy, economic, geopolitical, and legal dimensions of ocean literacy, historical perspectives and narratives shaping our understanding of the seas, etc.


Academia can play a crucial role in contributing to ocean literacy by engaging in various activities that promote understanding, awareness, and sustainable management of the ocean. In this session we look for abstracts which explore innovative educational practices such as integrating ocean literacy into academic curricula across disciplines, collaborative initiatives between academia and ocean literacy programs, the role of academic institutions in promoting public awareness of marine issues, best practices in engaging students and faculty in ocean literacy initiatives, impactful partnerships between academia and the wider community for ocean education, etc.


Ocean literacy is emerging and evolving as a new research topic in recent years. It involves studying and understanding the various aspects related to public awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors concerning the ocean, including different dimensions of ocean literacy. Key areas of focus in this session are studies of different aspects and dimensions of ocean literacy, methodological advancements in assessing ocean literacy levels, the impact of ocean literacy on individual behaviors and community engagement, crosscultural perspectives in ocean literacy research, interdisciplinary approaches in studying the effectiveness of ocean literacy programs, etc.


Water sports provide a direct, immersive experience with the marine environment, fostering a personal connection and deeper appreciation for the ocean that can motivate individuals to learn about and protect marine ecosystems. This session is focused on the dynamic intersection of ocean literacy and water sports and explores how recreational activities in marine environments can serve as powerful platforms for educating the public about the oceans, fostering environmental stewardship, and promoting sustainable practices. We want to hear from you about the innovative approaches to integrating ocean literacy in water sports programs, case studies on the impact of water sports on ocean awareness and conservation, strategies for engaging diverse communities in ocean literacy through water sports, research on the psychological and social benefits of combining water sports with environmental education, development of technologies or methods that enhance ocean literacy outcomes in water sport activities.


You have a story related to ocean literacy which you want to share but it doesn't fit any of the topics? Then the Open session is for you. Submit your abstract here!

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

  • Your abstract is limited to 500 words and without figures or images. Please include all co-author names and affiliations as prompted.
  • Abstracts must be submitted by 15 May.
  • Authors must specify whether they are submitting an abstract for an oral presentation, a poster presentation or a workshop.
  • The accuracy of the submitted abstract is the responsibility of the authors, so authors should prepare and proof read their abstracts carefully before submitting.
  • All correspondence relating to abstracts will be undertaken by email with the first named author/registered presenter, so it is their responsibility to communicate any relevant information regarding the submitted abstract and the conference to the other authors.
  • By submitting an abstract, the first named author confirms on behalf of the co-authors that the abstract is their own original work and that they have obtained any necessary permissions relating to the information submitted. In addition, the first named author must ensure that he/she has the approval and copyright assignment from any co-authors and contributors involved in the work. 


  • Emma McKinley (Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff University)

    Emma McKinley

    Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff University

    More Information

  • Lucy Hunt (Ocean Impact Director of The Ocean Race)

    Lucy Hunt

    Ocean Impact Director of The Ocean Race

    More Information

  • Craig Strang (Consultant and Associate Director Emeritus of Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley)

    Craig Strang

    Consultant and Associate Director Emeritus of Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley

    More Information

  • Nicola Bridge (Head of Ocean Advocacy and Engagement at Ocean Conservation Trust (OCT) and EMSEA President)

    Nicola Bridge

    Head of Ocean Advocacy and Engagement at Ocean Conservation Trust (OCT) and EMSEA President

    More Information

Organizing committee

  • Melita Mokos, Chair of the Organizing Committee, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, University of Zadar, Croatia, 
  • Ivana Zubak Čižmek, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, University of Zadar, Croatia
  • Jelena Lončar, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, University of Zadar, Croatia
  • Igor Radeka, Department of Pedagogy, University of Zadar, Croatia
  • Maja Cindrić, Department of Teacher and Preschool Teacher Education, University of Zadar, Croatia
  • Ivana Klarica, Department of Teacher and Preschool Teacher Education, University of Zadar, Croatia

  • Barbara Čolić, 20000 Leagues Marine Explorers Society, Croatia 
  • Hrvoje Čižmek, 20000 Leagues Marine Explorers Society, Croatia 

  • Mladen Pešić, International Centre for Underwater Archaeology UNESCO , Croatia

  • Evy Copejans, European Marine Science Educators Association, Belgium
  • Dominika Wojcieszek, European Marine Science Educators Association, Poland

  • Demetra Orthodoxou, AKTI Project and Research Centre, Cyprus 


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